
The Podcast Font is the font you need for all your podcasts!

Quick Start

If you want to use the Podcast Font on your website, just add the following HTML code in the <head> section of your pages: <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-Z99I27wT9dNISUh1h08kH6D8gH9vKZX6jDpe2f4yF1/S0CQ652lDBIk1n/T9+2A6" crossorigin="anonymous" /> Click to copy code Or you can import it in your own CSS: <style>
@import url('');
</style> Click to copy code
Then copy the code of the icon you want to insert and past it into your HTML code.
For instance: <i class="pi pi-castopodhost"></i>

Self Hosting

For privacy, security, reliability and liability issues, we strongly recommend that you host all the CSS and font files on your own website or CDN.
In order to do so, just download Podcastfont zip package , unzip it on your server / CDN and update the CSS file URL in the <head> section of your pages accordingly.

You can even build and self-host a mirror of this whole website, but the CSS and font files are enough.

On your personal computer

If you want to use the Podcast Font on your local computer, just download the Podcast Font package , unzip it and install the Podcast Font (either OTF or TTF) by double-clicking on the file.
Then simply copy the glyph you need and paste it into your document.

More info

You will find more information at .


The Podcast Quiz is a tiny game for testing your podcasting knowledge. Please spread the word if you like it!


You may open an issue if you want to request an Icon or report an error .

Source Code

All source code used to generate this website is available for download.
For more informations please go to The Podcast Font GIT repository .